en: {
settings: {
dsc: "DIO-Tools offers, among other things, some displays, a smiley box,<br>trade options and some changes to the layout.",
act: "Activate/deactivate features of the toolset:",
prv: "Preview of several features:",
version_old: "Version is not up to date",
version_new: "Version is up to date",
version_dev: "Developer version",
version_update: "Update",
link_forum: "https://www.tuto-de-david1327.com/en/pages/info/en-dio-tools-david1327.html",
link_contact: "https://en.forum.grepolis.com/index.php?threads/dio-tools.52104/page-12#post-1058755",
forum: "Tuto de david1327",
author: "Forum",
cat_units: "Units",
cat_icons: "Town icons",
cat_forum: "Forum",
cat_trade: "Trade",
cat_wonders: "World wonder",
cat_layout: "Layout",
cat_other: "Miscellaneous"
options: {
//bir: ["Bireme counter", "Counts the biremes of a city and sums these"],
ava: ["Units overview", "Counts the units of all cities"],
ava2: ["Ocean number", "Extension unit"],
sml: ["Smilies", "Extends the bbcode bar by a smiley box"],
str: ["Unit strength", "Adds unit strength tables in various areas"],
tra: ["Transport capacity", "Shows the occupied and available transport capacity in the unit menu"],
per: ["Percentual trade", "Extends the trade window by a percentual trade"],
rec: ["Recruiting trade", "Extends the trade window by a recruiting trade"],
cnt: ["Conquests", "Counts the attacks/supports in the conquest window"],
way: ["Troop speed", "Displays improved troop speed in the attack/support window"],
sim: ["Simulator", "Adaptation of the simulator layout & permanent display of the extended modifier box"],
act: ["(Obsolete) Activity boxes", "Improved display of trade and troop activity boxes (position memory)"],
pop: ["Favor popup", "Changes the favor popup"],
tsk: ["Taskbar", "Increases the taskbar and minimizes the daily reward window on startup"],
cha: ["Chat", 'Replaced the alliance chat by an world chat. (FlashPlayer required)'],
bbc: ["Defense form", "Extends the bbcode bar by an automatic defense form"],
com: ["Unit Comparison", "Adds unit comparison tables"],
tic: ["Town icons", "Each city receives an icon for the town type (automatic detection)", "Additional icons are available for manual selection"],
til: ["Town list", "Adds the town icons to the town list"],
tim: ["Map", "Sets the town icons on the strategic map"],
wwc: ["Calculator", "Share calculation & resources counter + previous & next buttons on finished world wonders (currently not deactivatable!)"],
wwr: ["Ranking", "Redesigned world wonder rankings"],
wwi: ["Icons", 'Adds world wonder icons on the strategic map'],
con: ["Context menu", 'Swaps "Select town" and "City overview" in the context menu'],
sen: ["Sent units", 'Shows sent units in the attack/support window'],
tov: ["Town overview", 'Replaces the new town overview with the old window style'],
scr: ["Mouse wheel", 'You can change the views with the mouse wheel'],
err: ["Send bug reports automatically", "If you activate this option, you can help identify bugs."],
her: ["Thracian Conquest", "Downsizing of the map of the Thracian conquest."],
// Town icons
LandOff: "Land Offensive",
LandDef: "Land Defensive",
NavyOff: "Navy Offensive",
NavyDef: "Navy Defensive",
FlyOff: "Fly Offensive",
FlyDef: "Fly Defensive",
Out: "Outside",
Emp: "Empty"
labels: {
uni: "Units overview",
total: "Total",
available: "Available",
outer: "Outside",
con: "Select town",
// Smileys
std: "Standard",
gre: "Grepolis",
nat: "Nature",
ppl: "People",
Par: "Party",
oth: "Other",
hal: "Halloween",
xma: "Xmas",
eas: "Easter",
lov: "Love",
// Defense form
ttl: "Overview: Town defense",
inf: "Town information:",
dev: "Deviation",
det: "Detailed land units",
prm: "Premium bonuses",
sil: "Silver volume",
mov: "Troop movements:",
// WW
leg: "WW Share",
stg: "Stage",
tot: "Total",
// Simulator
str: "Unit strength",
los: "Loss",
mod: "without modificator influence",
// Comparison box
dsc: "Unit comparison",
hck: "Blunt",
prc: "Sharp",
dst: "Distance",
sea: "Sea",
att: "Offensive",
def: "Defensive",
spd: "Speed",
bty: "Booty (resources)",
cap: "Transport capacity",
res: "Costs (resources)",
fav: "Favor",
tim: "Recruiting time (s)",
// Trade
rat: "Resource ratio of an unit type",
shr: "Share of the storage capacity of the target city",
per: "Percentage trade",
// Sent units box
lab: "Sent units",
improved_movement: "Improved troop movement",
tutoriel: {
tuto: "=Guides Grepolis=",
reme: "I thank everyone who contributed to the development of DIO-Tools",
link_troupes: "https://www.tuto-de-david1327.com/pages/troupes-grepolis.html",
link_utile: "https://www.tuto-de-david1327.com/pages/info/sites-utilitaires.html",
Trou: ["Grepolis Troops Specialization Tutorial - tuto de david1327", "What you need to know about the troupe of grepolis Strengths / weaknesses of the units"],
util: ["Utility sites for grepolis - Tuto de david1327", "A multitude of tools for Grepolis: Statistics, Maps, Tools, Script, Forum ... they are all listed here."]
buttons: {
sav: "Save", ins: "Insert", res: "Reset"