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Script DIO-TOOLS-David1327


Hi David,
Your tool is one of the two tools I have been using for several years now. The other one is GRCRTools. Also a great help with some nice features. However, GRCRTools is going to stop at the end of 2023. Lack of financial support. GRCRTools provided not only some report-converting tools, but also a lot of statistics which meant they had to rent a lot of server space in the cloud and that became to expensive.
In their "farewell" message, they say they are open for anybody to take over and continue GRCRTools. You can contact them by potusek@grcrt.net.
Perhaps this could be interesting for you David? Perhaps not the statistics and data part, but some of the other features? Would be great to keep having those...


Hi David,
Your tool is one of the two tools I have been using for several years now. The other one is GRCRTools. Also a great help with some nice features. However, GRCRTools is going to stop at the end of 2023. Lack of financial support. GRCRTools provided not only some report-converting tools, but also a lot of statistics which meant they had to rent a lot of server space in the cloud and that became to expensive.
In their "farewell" message, they say they are open for anybody to take over and continue GRCRTools. You can contact them by potusek@grcrt.net.
Perhaps this could be interesting for you David? Perhaps not the statistics and data part, but some of the other features? Would be great to keep having those...
Hello, unfortunately I am not going to take GRCRTools again, because I do not have the money and time. However, if the features no longer work, several features will still be available with DIO-TOOLS-David1327 in future versions. (Example: Sea numbers, BBcode on “Alliance member” lists or “cities on profiles”)

Feel free to suggest a feature I try to export. Please note that I rewrite the code entirely for each feature.

Bonjour, malheureusement, je ne vais pas reprendre GRCRTools, car je n'ai pas l'argent et le temps. Néanmoins, si les fonctionnalités ne fonctionnent plus, plusieurs fonctionnalités seront toujours disponibles avec DIO-TOOLS-David1327 dans les prochaines versions. (Exemple : les numéros de Mer, BBcode sur des listes "Membre d’alliance" ou "les villes sur les profils")

N'hésitez pas à suggérer une fonctionnalité que j'essaie d'exporter. veuillez noter que je réécris le code entièrement pour chaque fonctionnalités.