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Informatie Grepolis Public Beta


Dear players,

New updates for Grepolis are always on the horizon - we hope you're looking forward to the improvements and fixes as much as we are.

If you're interested in taking a more active role in the direction of the game we all know and love, we would welcome your presence on our Beta worlds. The Beta is where we first roll out the intended changes to get the community's help with bug finding as well as your feedback on any and all changes. We hand out free premium on a monthly basis (non-premium needs to get tested too!) for active players and only for the Beta version.

What we look for in Beta testers:
- Good game knowledge;
- Motivation. We've currently got a great forum community on Beta, everyone is there to help us make an even better game;
- English. All communication on Beta is done in English - it's the language everyone has good reason to know, so that's what we use. Your English certainly doesn't have to be perfect - as long as you can understand what is going on and you can make yourself be understood you'll be fine.

Are you what we're looking for? We’re looking forward to meeting you on World 3!”

Second request: this one directly comes from the Devs. In the future, we would appreciate more detailed bug reports on JIRA. Please find attached a list of things the Devs would need to know when they start debugging:
- The affected version (ie: 2.11 or 1.26.8). The complete version number show in the settings tab (or in the admin tool) would be the best (ie: 2.11.13817 aka 2.11 revision 13817)!
- The affected market (ie: en or dk);
- The affected world_ID (ie: en15 or ru1). Please do not give “Sigma” or “Alpha” as world_ID;
- The player_ID, the player_Name makes thing more complicated and can generate mistakes. It’s easier for the Devs to look into the database with the player_ID;
- The browser name and its version;
- A list of the last actions the player did before the problem occurred or a detailed description on how reproduce the bug;
- Screenshots of the window, the whole browser window and not only the bugged part in the game

Also, when investigating a problem, ask players if they are using scripts. Sometimes, bugs are generated by scripts. If everybody follows this small advices, we can save a lot of time and improve the development process of Grepolis ;)

Thanks a lot for your help on both topics!
